Mexico Packing List

I have spent quite a bit of time traveling in Mexico. With it’s warm, sunny climate, amazing food, and rich culture, it’s a great country to explore. With experiences amassed over many months across a few trips, I have carefully compiled a list items that I’m either glad I remembered or really wish I’d remembered to bring to Mexico. Here is my Mexico Packing List of travel essentials for a comfortable and safe adventure!

Little disclaimer: Mexico is a large diverse country and my travels were mostly in the Yucatán Peninsula. However, I believe my recommendations would still be helpful in many areas of the country.

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My packing suggestions are based on a combination of my personal research and first hand experience. I am not responsible for any upset or disappointment. Travel safely.


This is one that I always have to remind myself of as a “melanated lass”: Everyone should be careful with direct intense sunlight, not just lighter-skinned folks. Mexico is bright and sunny most of the year so you want to be able to enjoy the outdoors safely. This is a great organic sunscreen that I love because it’s safe for sensitive skin and is water resistant without putting harmful chemicals into the ocean.

Water Bottle

I think one of the most important things to bring to Mexico is a reusable water bottle like this one. It’s not safe to drink the tap water in most of Mexico but you can often find fresh water bottle filling stations around some cities.

Insect Repellent

I should say, that in the areas I explored, I didn’t find the mosquitoes too intense but it’s always good to keep yourself safe from the diseases they can spread with some insect repellent.

Canvas Bags

In the cities I have explored in Mexico so far, many grocery stores and convenience stores did not offer plastic bags. I think it’s wise to arrive with some lovely compact canvas bags like these so you’re all set; whether that be at the grocery store or the local markets.

Portable Fan

One way to beat the Mexican heat (which can be really intense) is a nice portable fan. For minimum cooling down effort, you can try a handheld electric fan like this. If you’re feeling a little fancy, I love a large fabric fan like this one: they’re durable, a cute outfit accessory, provide a really strong breeze, plus if you hold it up to the sun it can double as a little bit of shade!

Beach Blanket

Mexico has many beautiful beaches where you can relax. I love all the innovation that’s happened with something as simple as a beach blanket! I recently found this great sand resistant beach blanket that’s also waterproof and machine washable.

Ear Plugs

Mexico certainly has a vibrant, celebratory culture to enjoy! Whether from music playing loudly from restaurants, parties going late into the night or the loud bustling traffic, the decibel level may be a bit of a culture shock to some travelers. Even the wildlife such as loud tropical birds can be quite intense! If you’re a light sleeper like me, you may want to bring some ear plugs!

Travel Friendly Laundry Detergent

Maybe it’s just me but I always need to wash my clothes more frequently when traveling in a hot climate. From sweating in the hot sun, to getting sandy at the beach, I find I may need to do some hand washing from time to time. These dissolving laundry detergent sheets are compact and mess free! (Just a note: they are highly concentrated, so be sure to only use a portion of a packet if you have a small load of clothes).

A Quick Note on Clothes

As far as what to wear in Mexico, I would just keep the hot and sometimes humid climate in mind. Go for light, breezy clothing that doesn’t cling to your skin. You may also want to bring a bathing suit if you enjoy getting in the water. Even if you are not enjoying one of Mexico’s many beach resorts, there are some great Cenotes (fresh water holes) to experience! I should note that, despite the generally warm temperatures, some areas got a little cold at night. Just bring some layers like light sweaters and jackets just in case. Also be sure to bring some sturdy shoes. Even if you’re headed to Mexico mainly to lounge and relax, I find that many cities had rough uneven pavement and sidewalks.

If you found my Mexico packing list helpful, you can pin this article on Pinterest or share on social media below! As previously stated, my travels in Mexico have so far been mainly around the Yucatán Peninsula including the beautiful city of Mérida and the lovely beach resort of Playa del Carmen. However, I think my packing list can apply to many regions around this beautiful, dynamic country.

If you are interested in what I generally pack as a frequent traveler, you can check out my Digital Nomad packing list here! Thank you for reading!